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Our community health clinic was a huge success,

Photo du rédacteur: cellcom-cincellcom-cin

Thank you to all our amazing partners for joining forces with us at the Riverton Tukwila Church!

Our community health clinic was a huge success, thanks to our dedicated team of providers who offered instant and direct support. From health insurance enrollment to up-to-date Covid information, clinical diet advice to mental health concerns, and access to food resources, we had it all covered.

Not only that, but we also provided information about DSHS programs and ORCA cards for transportation assistance. We understand the importance of comprehensive care and want to ensure that you have access to the resources you need. Our goal is to empower you to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.

Together, we made a positive impact on the health and well-being of our community.

Thank you once again to all our partners who made this event possible. Your support and dedication are truly appreciated.

For those who couldn't make it, don't worry! We have more events coming up in the future. Stay tuned for updates.

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Non-Discrimination Policy

It is the policy of Congolese integration Network (CIN) to affirmatively ensure that the employment, enrollment and all aspects of our operations are keeping with the principles of equal opportunity. CIN will comply with all Federal, state and local laws and regulations which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, heritage, religion, sex, age, veteran status, socioeconomic status and disabilities. We welcome all persons and families within or outside of the community we serve. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age or disability. We also do not discriminate in any way within the administration of our educational programs, services, activities or employment practices. Questions and complaints of allegeddiscrimination should be directed to: Office of Equity and Civil Rights P.O. Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504-7200 (360) 725-6162/TTY:

(360) 664-3631.

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