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Double Honors for Congolese Integration Network at State Event

Photo du rédacteur: Malaïka MansiaMalaïka Mansia

The Congolese Integration Network was doubly honored as they received invitations from both the Lieutenant Governor for the State of the State Address and the Governor for a reception at his executive residence.

The network was privileged to attend the State of the Nation Address, presided over by the Lieutenant Governor, also serving as the President of the Senate, Denny Heck. This unique occasion marked the end of the Governor of Washington State's term as he addressed both chambers of the Parliament for the final time. As a member of the International Diplomatic Corps of Washington State and Honorary Consul, the network expressed blessings for the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The event saw the presence of distinguished guests including Senators, State Representatives, Executive Government Teams, Elected Officials, Indigenous Leaders, and various distinguished guests from different government agencies.

The network expressed deep gratitude for the honor and the opportunity to contribute to the strengthening of international ties and cooperation.

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