
Inspire Your Generation

Between the auction room and dessert sales, we collectively raised an astounding total of $30,373. Estimated Total Number of Guests: 180 Countries Represented: India, Congo, South Africa, Guinea, USA
In a resplendent display of unity and diversity, the fundraising gala emerged as a beacon of hope and generosity, drawing distinguished representatives from far and wide. Among the honored guests were Adam Smith's office, the esteemed Mayor of Seatac, and the revered Dean of International Education and Global Initiatives at Bellevue College in Washington State. This gala was destined to be a night to remember, marked by the power behind diversity and a passionate drive to donate. At the heart of this momentous gathering was the celebration of a remarkable success story, one that epitomized the spirit of resilience and determination. Anicet and his entire family embarked on a courageous journey, immigrating to the USA in 2018 armed with little more than hope, and a language barrier that seemed insurmountable. Yet, destiny led them to the warm embrace of the Congolese Integration Network, a community that not only spoke their language but also extended a comprehensive hand of support through comprehensive case management. Anicet's journey was a testament to the transformative power of determination. He embarked on a path that included conquering English through ESL programs and reaching for the stars with higher education. As his roots grew stronger, Anicet found himself employed at the Congolese Integration Network as a case manager, paying forward the invaluable support he had once received. His involvement extended beyond his professional duties; he became a driving force in numerous civic engagement activities organized by the organization, including environmental preservation, park cleaning, and tree giveaways. The pinnacle of Anicet's journey was marked by academic excellence. He proudly graduated from RTC with an Associate degree, a testament to his unwavering commitment to selfimprovement and community betterment. Today, he stands as the CEO of AK Luxury Property LLC, a thriving vacation rental property venture, his dreams exceeded only by his dedication to giving back to the community. The gala was not merely a gathering; it was a celebration of the triumph of the human spirit. An exceptional performance by one of our RIW winners, Gayatri Deshpande, stirred hearts and resonated with the diversity of our community. Conversations buzzed around the current state of our community and healing center, starting a spark of generosity among the guests. As the evening unfolded, delectable desserts took center stage, becoming the vessel through which the spirit of giving flowed. Guests rushed for the privilege of selecting their dessert first, each bid symbolizing a commitment to the wellbeing of our community. The gala wasn't just an event; it was a testament to the boundless compassion and determination that define us. It demonstrated that diversity is not a weakness but our greatest strength, and that together, we can conquer any challenge, celebrate every success, and create a brighter future for all.