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Congolese Health Board Hosts Successful Vaccination Event in Pierce County

Photo du rédacteur: CIN DIRCOMCIN DIRCOM

The Congolese Health Board made waves this past Saturday with a successful vaccination event in Pierce County, marking a significant milestone in their mission to ensure community safety and health as the transition to summer begins.

Over 40 vaccines for COVID-19 and flu were administered by the dedicated Congolese health board team, showcasing their commitment to protecting the well-being of residents. The event not only focused on vaccinations but also offered a range of essential services that proved beneficial to the community at large.

Participants had access to valuable information on programs such as Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), received assistance with DSHS FREE PHONE services, and were educated on Public Health Care resources, underscoring the holistic approach taken by the organization.

Moreover, the event featured Business Training Information to support local entrepreneurs and streamlined the application process for Medical Insurance, ensuring that individuals have the necessary healthcare coverage in place.

The Congolese Health Board expressed their heartfelt gratitude to the CDC Foundation for their partnership and support, emphasizing the collaborative effort that made the event a resounding success. This event not only met a critical need in the Pierce County area but also reinforced the organization's unwavering commitment to promoting health and well-being within the community.

The participation and contributions of all involved were instrumental in making this initiative impactful and highlighting the importance of accessible healthcare services in the region.

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It is the policy of Congolese integration Network (CIN) to affirmatively ensure that the employment, enrollment and all aspects of our operations are keeping with the principles of equal opportunity. CIN will comply with all Federal, state and local laws and regulations which prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, heritage, religion, sex, age, veteran status, socioeconomic status and disabilities. We welcome all persons and families within or outside of the community we serve. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, nationality, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age or disability. We also do not discriminate in any way within the administration of our educational programs, services, activities or employment practices. Questions and complaints of allegeddiscrimination should be directed to: Office of Equity and Civil Rights P.O. Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504-7200 (360) 725-6162/TTY:

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